Touring Local Honey

We're back at it for the summer of love 2023. Things are unfolding slowly but surely and Abby and her Local Honeys- Chris and Joel Saunders, Anne Gingras and long-time writing pal Bryan Williston - are playing some terrific events and revues. Look for some brand new material, some re-vamped Two Roads Home tunes (from Abby's duo with Bryan), a taste of Joel's recording canon and the occasional fabulous cover you can sing along to.

What listeners are saying
"Enchanting, funny, touching and cozy all in one." - N. Wood, Kingston
“A feel good show from beginning to end” - N. Bilyk, Oshawa
"Loved the repertoire, harmonies, great band, the total absence of egos – amazing!"  -L.. McCauley, Haliburton
"I love Abby’s pure voice. She sings from her heart and her mellow and warm groove touches the kindred spirit in us all!" -D. Clarry, Toronto

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